Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cartagena Day 4

Since we only had a little more than half of the day to go site seeing we decided to visit two places and not try to pack too much in. After sleeping in a little bit and getting some breakfast we headed to our first destination, Convento de la Popa. It was established in 1607 and was once the site of devil-worshiping and goat sacrifices by runaway slaves. Also, it was occupied by George Washington's brother Lawerence Washington's troops during Admiral Vernon's seige of Cartagena in 1741. It was a neat place to go to and has a beautiful view overlooking the city. There also is a lot of information and pictures of Pope John Paul II visit to the convent. They also have a few tourist attractions just outside the gates of the convent as you can see by the picture Taylor and I paid fifty cents for. There was also a man with a sloth there but he charged almost five dollars so we chose not to splurge on another picture.

After the convent we decided to the fort at Boca Chica, the other opening into Cartagena Bay from the Caribbean Sea. We had no idea how cool this was going to be. First of all, I love flags. When I saw the giant flag on top of the castle my first mission was to find a way to stand next to it. The fort is way bigger than in looks and it was really fun to wander through all of the maze like hallways and onto different levels to lookout over the city. This was definitely one of my favorite things about the city and it is amazing to me that people hundreds of years ago could build such gigantic and complex structures that continue to pass the test of time.

Before heading to the airport the four of us decided to grab some lunch together and say our goodbyes. It was a great trip and while there isn't as much to type out in this post, it was probably my favorite day besides our island hopping excursion. The only thing left to do now is go back!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Brad! I wanted to let you know how much I'm lovin' your blog. Sounds like an amazing summer. Very cool you found some friends to travel with. Love ya!

    Aunt Carol
