Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mi primera quincena en Ecuador!

Hola everyone!

I just finished my first two weeks here in Ecuador and it has been an amazing experience so far! I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the places I have traveled, but nothing has quite compared to this. I live in a modest two-bedroom apartment with my Mom- Rachel, Dad- Efrian, and 22 yr. old brother Jorge. Quito is broken down into regions similar to American towns or villages and I live in ¨El Inca. ¨ The city is located in a valley and creates a ¨S¨ shape, which is very different from the traditional circular American cities I was, accustom to seeing. Nearly all of the structures are built right on top of one another but none of the buildings are very tall (the tallest is maybe 25 stories). I am attempting to upload some pictures but the Internet in this cafe is running a little slow. Expect them to be up in the next day or two. Many of the pictures I have of the city are from my adventure in attempting to reach the summit of Pichincha. I didn’t make it yet but I’m going back for more, read details below!

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